Dr. Milton Mills

Dr. Milton Mills

A past speaker at Rochester VegFest, Milton Mills, MD will be returning to Rochester—via Zoom—to give the ground-breaking lecture he premiered at Vegan Summerfest 2019, a talk which has become even more urgent in the light of current events.

WHAT: Milton Mills, MD will speak on The Impact of Historical Racial Bias on the Health Profiles of Communities of Color

  • WHEN: Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 7:00 PM
  • WHERE: By Zoom
  • COST: Free, with suggested donation.  Sign up here

Milton Mills, MD is a Black physician who has worked with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine to redress racial inequities in dietary recommendations. Dr. Mills is an intensivist (critical care/ICU) physician, actively practicing in the Washington, DC area. He speaks on a wide variety of topics, including the microbiome, the connection between diet and cancer, human anatomy and plant-based diet, and what the Bible has to say about diet, as well as connections between the civil rights movement and veganism. Dr. Mills’s discussion of the legacy of racism and its impact on the health of communities of color is not to be missed!

This event is co-sponsored by Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute and the Rochester Area Vegan Society.

Dr. Chris Hirschler


Chris Hirschler is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Health and Physical Education at Monmouth University. Chris founded Plants for Peace at Monmouth University, directs faculty-led programs in Guatemala and Costa Rica, produces YouTube videos, blogs for One Green Planet, and he has been published in Society and Animals (2011), Inside Higher Ed, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition (2014). Chris is a Master Certified Health Education Specialist, athlete, and frequent national and international conference presenter.

The Dimensions of Wellness:
Lessons from a 20-year vegan journey

Dr. Chris Hirschler, Associate professor and chair of Monmouth University’s Health and Physical Education department discusses the Six Dimensions of Wellness in the context of a 20-year personal and professional vegan journey.

Tim Kaufman



Tim Kaufman was diagnosed with  Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) in his early twenties.  He was in chronic pain most of his life. By the time he had reached the age of 37 he was addicted to fentanyl, alcohol, and fast food. At over 400 pounds he was unable to perform simple daily tasks. He had many chronic health issues and was almost immobile. He had lost his interest in life and had almost given up. Tim started a journey to regain his health. He started to change one small thing at a time. He is now an athlete that thrives on a plant-based whole food lifestyle and leads a healthy, happy, productive, and very active life that is free of all medications he was once on. His passion is to spread the message that anyone can transition to a healthy, active lifestyle and dramatically change their life regardless of their current situation or size.

Tim has appeared on podcasts from around the world and has been filmed for upcoming movies. He has been featured in Runners World Magazine, Good Morning America, Today, People, The Buffalo Newspaper, and many other media outlets.

Tim uses his platform as an international speaker to educate, inform and motivate people about plant-based nutrition, fitness, addiction recovery, overcoming physical challenges, and emotional and spiritual wellness.

Find him at “Fat Man Rants” and Fat Man Foods

Finding the Road to Health and Wellness

Tim will be sharing his journey as he lost 200 pounds and gained his health back through a whole food plant-based lifestyle and the challenges he faced during the journey.