Herbivore Clothing Company

Thanks to The Herbivore Clothing Company for donating merchandise to our huge raffle!

They started in a spare bedroom in Portland, Oregon in 2002.  In 2007 they and some fellow vegan entrepreneurs opened retail locations together forming a vegan mini-mall!

Herbivore Clothing designs clothes, and manufactures belts and wallets.  They sell stickers, buttons, hats, jewelry, books, and housewares from their store and online.

“Our approach has always been to show veganism as a positive choice that gives you back so much more than you give up. Compassion Is Invincible!”

Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environment

Welcome to Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environment, who will have a booth at the VegFest.  They’re based in Grand Island, NY, and we’re excited that they’re coming to provide information to people about how we can help animals that live free.  Check out their projects to see how you can help.

They’ll be bringing a gift basket to our raffle lineup – thanks!

Vegan Publishers

Thank you to Vegan Publishers for donating some books for our raffle!

“Vegan Publishers was formed in 2013 with a mission to publish a range of books that promote social consciousness and awareness related to veganism. We are interested in publishing books for adults and children that focus on positive themes emphasizing justice and respect for all living beings. Vegan Publishers hopes to be at the forefront of the growing societal trend towards vegan living.”

Perfectly Posh

Welcome to Perfectly Posh, who will have a booth at Rochester VegFest!

Perfectly Posh is a skincare company that makes naturally-based products in the USA, never tests on animals, uses recyclable containers, has many vegan options, and all individual items cost under $25.

Want to experience their products at the booth first?  There will be samplers of hand cremes, facial moisturizers, and body butters.  You’ll be able to smell big Chunk bath soap bars, scrubby Snarky bars, body scrubs, skin sticks, and face masks/body muds.  They will also have individually wrapped bath bombs for sale – you can’t try them, but you can definitely smell them.  And they’ll be handing out prepackaged samples to take home.

They’re also bringing a raffle basket, and providing goodies for our SWAG bags!