Cam F. Awesome

Cam F Awesome will be speaking at Rochester VegFest!

Cam is a multi-time heavyweight National champion boxer. As a stand-up comedian, Cam has performed many comedy shows across the country and has been the emcee at many events. As a keynote speaker, Cam speaks on efficient resilience and how to live life with the focus of a fighter. He shares lessons he learned from boxing that can be used in everyday life. Cam is also a proud member of the National Speakers Association.

Cam is the U.S. National Team Captain and the Athletic Director on the USA Boxing Board of Directors. He is well respected by his peers, not only for his accolades in the boxing ring, but also for his positive personality that he instills upon others. Cam has been a Big for Big Brother Big Sister for 7 years and does a lot of work with the youth around Kansas City. He has been vegan for over 5 years and is active in advocacy for the vegan lifestyle.

Rochester Lifestyle Medicine

Rochester Lifestyle Medicine will have a booth at Rochester VegFest!  Do you or someone you know have:

  • Obesity/overweight
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Early prostate cancer
  • Heartburn

Come on out and find out about joining the next medically-supervised Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP).  What will they be selling at their booth?  Nothing!  Because they’re about “Teaching skills, not selling products.”

Are you a medical professional, or just interested in a deep dive into education about a plant-based diet?  RLM also holds periodic 6-Week, 12-CME Plant-Based Nutrition Courses.

Check out their website, and tell your friends and family.  Everyone knows someone who could benefit from CHIP.

Dr. Kerry Graff

Kerry GraffeWe are so excited to have Dr Kerry Graff speaking!

Dr. Graff is a family physician in solo practice in Canandaigua, NY and assistant medical director for Rochester Lifestyle Medicine.

After learning about the tremendous health benefits of eating a whole food plant-based diet, she personally adopted this way of eating and has been teaching it to her patients using the 4Leaf Program, which encourages people to get 80% or more of calories from whole plants for personal as well as environmental health. She now serves as Chief Medical Officer of 4Leaf Global and is the co-author of The 4Leaf Guide to Vibrant Health with J. Morris Hicks.

She is a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and holds a certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies through eCornell. She remains board certified in Family Medicine and is a member of the American Academy of Family Practice.

Dr. Ted Barnett

Ted BarnettWe are thrilled to have Dr. Ted Barnett speaking, the High-Tech Doctor with Low Tech Solutions!

Dr. Barnett is medical director for Rochester Lifestyle Medicine.  He is Board Certified in Diagnostic Imaging as well as Vascular and Interventional Radiology and has practiced in the Rochester area since 1986.

Dr. Barnett teaches a 6-week plant-based nutrition course which is accredited for 12 professional CME.  Over 520 Rochesterians have taken the course, which has been given 11 times.

He, his wife and three children have thrived on an exclusively plant-based diet for 25 years.