Here is the wonderful talk (part 1 | part 2) on How Not to Diet: The Groundbreaking Science of Healthy, Permanent Weight Lossfrom Dr. Michael Greger of Nutrition Facts given September 24th, sponsored by Rochester Lifestyle Medicine.
It is Day 2 of 21 Days of Love Vegan Kickstarter as part of Roc Vegan Video Expo, where we answer the essential question about why so many people have made the decision to go vegan! CC.
You can join the Facebook group to start your free 21-day supported vegan challenge — special Rochester VegFest edition — as part of the #RocVeganVideoExpo.
You’ll have a vegan mentor and all the support you need. If you’re not on Facebook, the videos (closed captioned) will be posted here daily under the tag 21DaysoLove and you can get free friendly one-on-one support through ARRoc.
Would you like to make the world a better place without causing harm on the way?
This month in the #RocVeganVideoExpo, we have been trying to safely bring joy, education, and support for vegan-friendly businesses into a tragic year. Our purpose is to help under very difficult circumstances.
More tragedy has been exposed and renewed in the past few days here in Rochester. We are heartbroken. Emotions are especially low and high, and today’s video addresses generally how we think about and talk to each other.
Switching from introducer (me) to speaker (also me), the following (and the video) is my personal opinion and approach and does not necessarily reflect Rochester VegFest:
Are you confident that you are morally right and others are wrong? Or maybe you’re not so confident and you ask, “Is this the right thing to do?” Do you think some people are good and others bad (or jerks, or idiots etc.)? Do you get into arguments about how people should or shouldn’t do this or that?
These are very common ways of thinking: “You’re wrong. You’re bad. You should.” These are judgmental thoughts. They are opinions stated as facts, and so, as you might expect when something untrue is said or thought, they can cause problems. In this video, which records a talk I gave at the October 2018 RAVS meeting, I describe exactly how to use an alternative: discernment. It is how I think now (I admit I sometimes slip up and label someone a jerk – I’m human, so errors are inevitable). Maybe I’m naive to think the world could operate this way, but I have found as a practical matter that discernment makes communication easier and myself happier, and sidesteps the confusion of trying to work out what’s “right” and who’s “wrong.” It forms the solid basis of the challenging conversations I have while doing vegan outreach, among other things. Discernment lets me speak up about problems without causing harm. I think it will improve, even if not solve, any difficult conversation you are likely to have. And we need to have a lot of difficult conversations, don’t we? 34 minutes, CC. Link to handout used in video.
I’m Tina, president of Animal Rights Rochester and co-founder and co-coordinator of Rochester VegFest (and your host of this vegan video expo). I’m primarily focused on animal rights activism, but I’ve been educating myself about racism for several years. If you would like to see some of the books and other resources about racism that I’ve been recommending lately, you can look at my Fb wall. Black Lives Matter.
Thank you to our own 5DJoe for providing several super-quick vegan cooking demos to our #RocVeganVideoExpo running all through September! Joe is a great professional cook, videographer, and animal rights activist (Roc Reality).
Today we get into it with Fried Oreos!
Click “Watch on” to see the show notes including recipe. No spoken words so CC is not needed.
Welcome Chef Andrea of Sweet Vegan, a vegan chocolate company in New York City! She has also provided a cooking demo which will be coming in a few days. #Roc VeganVideoExpo
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