Yoga Class – Jessica Middleton

September 15th during Rochester VegFest!  Classes are $20 and all proceeds go to charity – half go to Rochester VegFest and half to Jessica’s choice of Skylands Animal Sanctuary. Our gratitude to Jessica for donating her time! And thank you for supporting VegFest!

9 am – 10 am: JESSICA MIDDLETON – Purchase tickets at VegFest Booth

Jessica MiddletonI am: Yogi. Vegan. Activist. Mother. Nurse. Recovering worrier. Thrift-store shopper. Art-admirer. Truth-seeker. Blue Moon drinker. Film watcher. Coffee-lover. Tree-hugger. Cold-hater. Lady-bug saver. Traveler. Listener. Reader. Wonderer. Wanderer. Procrastinator. Communicator. Collaborator. Stubborn. ?

Classes meet in the lodge at Martin Luther King Jr. Park. The lodge is right next to Chestnut Street, down the stairs and through the glass doors on the left.