September 15th during Rochester VegFest! Classes are $20 and all proceeds go to charity – half go to Rochester VegFest and half to Jessica’s choice of Skylands Animal Sanctuary. Our gratitude to Jessica for donating her time! And thank you for supporting VegFest!
9 am – 10 am: JESSICA MIDDLETON – Purchase tickets at VegFest Booth
I am: Yogi. Vegan. Activist. Mother. Nurse. Recovering worrier. Thrift-store shopper. Art-admirer. Truth-seeker. Blue Moon drinker. Film watcher. Coffee-lover. Tree-hugger. Cold-hater. Lady-bug saver. Traveler. Listener. Reader. Wonderer. Wanderer. Procrastinator. Communicator. Collaborator. Stubborn.
Classes meet in the lodge at Martin Luther King Jr. Park. The lodge is right next to Chestnut Street, down the stairs and through the glass doors on the left.
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